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Collagen Lift Treatment


Collagen LiftTM is the latest treatment looking to replace Botulinum toxin,
more commonly known by its brand name BotoxTM, as the wrinkle remover of choice. Although still a very popular surgical procedure, growing
numbers of the rich and famous (including Jennifer Aniston, Amanda
Holden and Mel B) are choosing to use non-surgical radio frequency treatments like Collagen LiftTM to retain youthful, glowing skin, without the tell tale frozen stare of BotoxTM.

Radio Frequency technology is extremely

effective for non-surgical skin tightening and fi rming loose or sagging skin. This makes Collagen LiftTM ideal for those who either don’t want, or don’t believe they are old enough for surgical procedures.

For use on the face and body, Collagen LiftTM remodels, tones and builds; rejuvenating & tightening skin and acting on cellulite. Whereas some injectables such as BotoxTM paralyse the muscle to improve the appearance of wrinkles and plump out the skin, with Collagen LiftTM clients can look forward to increased muscle tone, a more defined jaw line and diminished fine lines caused by the tightening effect from a natural realignment of the tissues. 

Results from a course of Collagen LiftTM are instant. Tightening of the elastin fi bres occurs immediately, giving an instant visible result. Over the medium term clients benefit from increased collagen production for up to 3 months after the course has been completed. Long term, results can last up to 2 years making this treatment serious competition for BotoxTM.

Collagen LiftTM can be used on all areas of the body and face to tighten and tone the skin. Popular areas include the stomach, arms, thighs and buttocks.

Anyone with a need for skin tightening will benefit from this treatment from the age of around 29, with no upper age limit. Skin usually begins to sag and lose collagen from this age, and every year our body will produce about 1% less collagen. The Collagen LiftTM treatment stimulates the skin to start producing more collagen for up to 3 months after treatment with the effects lasting up to two years. 

The great thing from a salon and client perspective is that results from a course of Collagen LiftTM are instant. The Collagen LiftTM treatment offers immediate skin tightening, wrinkle removal and jowl lifting results and collagen production increases for up to 3 months after the course has been completed. Long term the results can last for up to 2 years making this treatment serious competition for BotoxTM. 

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